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Analogue & Digital Technology

‘...Ways of meeting the world [Weltbegegnung] are put forward, whereby ways of meeting the meeting the world will be possible[Arten der Begegnung mit Weltbegegnung] Folkmann, M.N. (2010)

‘Primordial instinct’ is a large scale 3D printed piece inspired by pottery in Jomon period, the first pottery in human history 16,000 years ago, found in Japan. A repetitive motifs and swirly patterns were either embossed or used as a decorations on the pots. I interpreted this as one of the first traces of ‘design process’ in human history which is to understand and define themselves and their reality through objects. For this project, I have been introduced to 3D clay printing technology which I decided to investigate and further continue to develop throughout. My attempt was to combine the two techniques from the two very different times in the history as a proposition of alternative ways to reflect ourselves in this age through the piece.

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